Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Thank you for praying this month.
Prayer Calendar

Thank you for praying for my time in Missouri, Kansas, and Tennessee last month. God gave sweet times with our partner churches there. It was especially exciting to talk with people in Kansas and Tennessee who were seeking guidance on how to start a similar ministry in their own area.
Click Here to open the prayer calendar.
Or pray with us through the month using the list view below.

May 2016
  1. Our students have been asking excellent questions about God. Pray biblical answers reveal truth that brings life.
  2. Pray God gives us wisdom in balancing the multiplication of ministry to internationals here in Columbus.
  3. Pray God opens the opportunity for Boone’s Creek Church to minister to internationals in their area of Tennessee.
  4. Tianhan has said that he wants to follow Christ but is hesitant because as a Communist party member it’s illegal.
  5. Pray more American churches see the opportunity for the gospel among internationals right here in America.
  6. The Friday night Bible study is taking a week off tonight. Pray we don’t lose momentum from the week off.
  7. As we look forward to the coming school year, pray Christians will be willing to exercise hospitality & host internationals.
  8. Today’s lesson is about Daniel who followed God in a hostile culture. Pray our students are willing to do the same.
  9. Pray God continues to provide our every need. We lost a supporting church and an individual supporter last month.
  10. Horia is in Algeria right now. Pray for meetings with her husband Hadi during his free time in her absence. (Muslims)
  11. Pray Joshua’s weekly meeting with Peng (China) will progress from seeking interest to repentance and faith.
  12. Pray Christians around the world reach refugees fleeing war tore regions with the hope of eternal life in the eternal city.
  13. There are several Chinese ladies in the mom’s group who seem close to faith. Pray God saves Dan, Shirley, & Julie.
  14. Pray God gives us wisdom as we seek to help James and Bethany grow in their ministry preparations to work with Muslims.
  15. Pray God equips the other volunteers on Sunday morning to effectively communicate the gospel cross culturally.
  16. Pray for the growing number of our international friends who’ve returned home.  Pray they read the Bible & are saved. Some names: Lin, Eric, Prince, Handsom, George, Rulin, Caesar, and Chunhua
  17. Repeat yesterday's request.
  18. Pray Julie & Kevin & daughter Chris see a clear demonstrations of the gospel through our lives and words. (China)
  19. Pray for Veronica’s (Venezuala) salvation. She continues to study the book of Luke with Laurel and the Mom’s group.
  20. We are approaching the cross in the Friday night study. Pray the internationals see the love of God and turn to him in faith.
  21. Pray those we’ve already trained continue to effectively minister to internationals here in Columbus.
  22. We have come to the cross in study of Mark. Pray as he is lifted up that Jesus draws people to himself.
  23. Pray God works in our children's (Athan, Vivian, Gus) hearts and lives, bringing them to faith through his grace.
  24. Pray our partnering churches and individuals will remain strong and continue to support the work we are engaged in.
  25. Shirley (China) seems very close to believing. Pray she understands the gospel and trusts Christ.
  26. Today is our 10th Anniversary! We praise God for His kindness in our lives. Pray our lives together bring Him glory.
  27. The mom’s group takes a break in the summer. Pray redemptive relationships continue during the next two months.
  28. Pray Wei Peng effectively shares truth with unbelievers. She is a Chinese Christian who has been a great help to us.
  29. Our Sunday morning class has grown. Pray God gives us wisdom on whether or not to divide into two separate groups.
  30. Pray those we’ve already trained continue to grow in their ability to minister to internationals. See May 31 for names.
  31. Some laboring faithfully beside us include, Heather, Walter, James, Sharon, Dale, Jessica, Patsy, Shirley, & Kyrk

Thank you so much for praying for us. We count on your prayers.

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