Dear Prayer Supporters,
Last month we wrote and asked you to pray that
God would be our strength, joy, the lifter of our
heads, and that we would rest in God’s sovereignty
and grow in Christ-likeness. June was a month filled
with challenges, both physical and spiritual. The
physical challenges ranged from the stomach flu to a
repeatedly flooded basement and reactions to the
consequential mold. The spiritual challenges included
the heartbreak of friends so close to the truth, and
yet so far away because they do not yet see themselves
as sinners in need of a savior. And most of the
challenges were a combination of the physical and
the spiritual. Our physical fatigue often led to what
seemed to be nothing less than a spiritual battle
fought to keep our eyes of faith fixed on Jesus and
our hearts remembering and claiming His truths.
And in the midst of all of this you prayed. And God
heard your prayers. If we had to pick the refrain of
our family this month it would be: Praise our Father.
He hears and answers prayer.
God truly proved himself as our strength, joy, and
the lifter of our heads. Over and over we saw clear
answers to prayer that only He could have done. At
home we have seen a softening of our oldest son’s
hard heart toward God. In the field, we have seen
both Shirley and Justin turn to and follow Jesus in
what seems to be genuine belief. Rejoice with us and
with the angels. In our own hearts we have experienced
dependence on God and a grateful abiding in
Christ that can only be expressed in metaphors He
chooses for Himself: the bread of life, our shepherd,
the living water, our father who nourishes and chastises,
the vine, the light, the word… Truly there is
none like God. He and he alone is worthy of praise.
As we look forward to July, there is currently a pool
of water in our basement, we are sleep deprived, and
we truly aren’t sure how to balance all that God has
entrusted to us. And yet we are filled with joy and
peace. This month as you pray through our prayer
calendar will you also pray specifically for:
• Pray we wisely prioritize all our responsibilities.
Pray our will would submit to His will (Matt.
• Pray God will save the many unbelievers we love
and spend time with (Romans 10:1).
• Pray we would be bold in proclaiming the gospel
(Acts 4:29; Eph. 6:18-19).
• Pray God would open the eyes of American believers
to the white fields here and will send out
laborers into those fields (Matt. 9:38).
• Pray for biblical unity in the church to point unbelievers
to Christ. (John 17:20-21).
• Pray God would keep us from the evil one and
that we won’t fall into temptation (Matt 26:41;
Matt 6:13).
Above all, in all aspects of our life we want God to
not only have first priority in our thinking, but to be
the first and last and everything in between priority
as we strive to balance home-life, ministry-life, and
Joshua’s new missional opportunities at OSU
through the classes he is taking there this summer.
May God’s peace and joy rest on you,
the Louk family
missionary church planters
He Hears and Answers Prayer
2016, Third Quarter