Saturday, April 2, 2016

Louk April Prayer Letter

Prayer Calendar

Thank you for praying for my time in Florida last month. God gave sweet times with our partner churches there. It’s a privilege to share how God is glorifying His name among the nations. It is a joy to know and serve Him, telling others of his glory.

April 2016
  1. Laurel is teaching the international mom’s group today. Pray for gospel clarity and Spirit conviction.
  2. Pray for Joshua as he meets with James to mentor him in reaching Muslims here in Columbus.
  3. We are going to review the story of the crucifixion and resurrection this week. Pray the gospel is clearly understood.
  4. Pray for Peng. He continues to be soaking up all he can about the Bible and God. Pray for new life for him.
  5. Pray for safety for Joshua as he travels to Kansas to update two supporting churches. Pray for strength for Laurel.
  6. Pray God uses the meeting tonight at Maranatha to increase their passion for prayer & for reaching the nations.
  7. Pray God keeps Laurel and our kids healthy and rested and safe during Joshua’s time in Kansas and Missouri.
  8. Pray as we work through the life and teaching of Jesus during the Friday studies that people believe in Him.
  9. Pray for wisdom for Walter as he prepares to lead the Sunday Bible studies in Joshua’s stead.
  10. Pray God uses the meeting at Newton Church to increase their passion for prayer & for reaching the nations here.
  11. Pray for a safe return trip back to Ohio for Joshua today. He’s looking forward to being with his family again.
  12. Pray for Flora, a Chinese young believer in the Moms’ group. She is convicted of the need to share her faith.
  13. Pray for Chris & her parents. Chris is a  Chinese 5 yr old who is Vivian’s friend. Vivian prays daily for her salvation.
  14. Pray for Vera (Venezuela). We aren’t sure, if she is a Christian. Pray for a growing relationship. She is reading Luke.
  15. Pray for Tianhan’s salvation. He is carefully reading the Bible and seems so close to choosing Christ.
  16. Pray for God to open the door to meet again regularly  with Hadi and Horia Muslims from Algeria.
  17. Pray for Wei. He is interested in the Bible. Joshua would like to meet with him individually. Pray for an open door.
  18. Pray for Julie’s and Keith’s (Chris’s parents) salvation. They  are new to our Sun. & Fri. classes & will be here for a year. 
  19. Pray for Oksana, a Russian believer studying Luke with the Mom’s group. She wants to share her faith.
  20. Pray for our children’s salvation and wisdom for us as we strive to spiritually shepherd them.
  21. Ru Ling returns to China this month. Pray God brings believers into her life & that He grows & harvests seeds planted. heart.
  22. Pray for Kyrk, our faithful 12 year old volunteer. Pray God increases his ability to share biblical truth lovingly with others.
  23. Pray tonight’s banquet for people interested in international student ministry encourages Great Commission ministry.
  24. Pray God uses the meeting at Boones Creek Church to increase their passion for prayer & for reaching the nations here.
  25. Pray for a safe return trip back to Ohio for Joshua today. He’s looking forward to being with his family again.
  26. Pray for Shirley (China) to turn to God. She is understanding that she must repent and believe, but hasn’t yet.
  27. Pray for Shirley’s husband. He has no spiritual interest, but has begun reading the Jesus Story Book Bible to his child.
  28. Pray the Lord of the Harvest sends more labors into the harvest here. The fields are white.  The laborers few.
  29. Pray for Heather’s, Kate’s, & Jess’s effectiveness as they share God’s love with the children during our Mom’s study.
  30. Pray for belief for Shuhe (China). She is a new member of our Sunday study who has been bringing others.


Thank you so much for praying for us. We count on your prayers.